Cola caramel colouring carcinogen claim creates cancer calumny
Madely Health Headlines Commentary for March 7, 2012 [display_podcast] Source: US regulators dispute finding of cancer-causing soda Reference: ACSH Holiday Dinner Menu Priorities for cancer prevention: lifestyle choices versus unavoidable exposures
Health Canada caves to industry on "whole wheat" labelling
Madely Health Headlines Commentary for March 6, 2012 [display_podcast] Source: Health Canada backs off ‘whole wheat’ labelling
Genetic switch may help heal heart after heart attack but application is years away
Madely Health Headlines Commentary for March 5, 2012 [display_podcast] Source: Winnipeg scientist says gene could heal heart damage Reference:
Sunday House Call, #387, March 4, 2012
Sunday House Call, #387, March 4, 2012 Topics today include unexplained 25 lb weight-loss in 3 months, leg cramps, blood pressure concerns: when is low too low?, and mini-strokes affect on mood.
Be careful when correlating one nutrient with improved cognitive function and assume that it is a causal relationship
Madely Health Headlines Commentary for March 1, 2012 [display_podcast] Source: A Diet Rich in Fish May Help the Aging Brain
Medications seem to work as well as stents for people with stable heart disease
Madely Health Headlines Commentary for March 1, 2012 [display_podcast] Source: Pills as good as stents for some patients: study Reference: Initial Coronary Stent Implantation With Medical Therapy vs Medical Therapy Alone for Stable Coronary Artery Disease
Afternoon Edition – Wednesday House Call February 29, 2012
Afternoon Edition – Wednesday House Call February 29, 2012 Dr Barry Dworkin joins Rob Snow to take calls on medical matters from the CFRA Nation. Today: Tendon lacerations of the hand, quackery to remove belly fat, capsaicin offers aclue to chronic rib pain, cryotherapy vs laser for removal of facial moles,…
FDA issues advisory of rare side effects of statin use. As always, you need to consider risk vs benefit
Madely Health Headlines Commentary for February 29, 2012 [display_podcast] Source: FDA Warns on Statin Drugs
Do sleeping pills cause cancer? Show me how this happens and I might accept it otherwise it is another correlation/causation misperception
Madely Health Headlines Commentary for February 28, 2012 [display_podcast] Source: Sleeping Pill Death Toll May Top 500,000