Merits of good quality sleep acknowledged but this study cannot demonstrate a causal link
Health Headlines Commentary for March 21, 2017 Source: Quality sleep feels like winning the lottery jackpot, study says Reference: Changes in Sleep Duration, Quality, and Medication Use Are Prospectively Associated With Health and Well-being: Analysis of the UK Household Longitudinal Study
Merits of new cholesterol-lowering drug overstated in some media reporting
Health Headlines Commentary for March 20, 2017 Source: Cholesterol drug prevents heart attacks — but costs $14K a year Reference: Evolocumab and Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Cardiovascular Disease
Sunday House Call, #605, March 19, 2017: How “clinics” are turning stem cells into snake oil
Sunday House Call, #605, March 19, 2017 Topics today include: The business of promoting not-ready-for-prime-time stem cell treatments. Your calls about bruising after a fall, some causes of pitting edema, treatment of stage 1 melanoma, recovery time after total hip replacement, and should shingles vaccine be given to someone who has had shincgles?
Mumps case reported in Ottawa. 20-30 year-olds affected. How to prevent its spread.
Health Headlines Commentary for March 17, 2017 Source: One mumps case confirmed in Ottawa, but no details released
Unproven stems cell treatments offered by “U.S. clinics” prey on the vulnerable
Health Headlines Commentary for March 16, 2017 Source: Patients warned against unproven stem cell treatments after 3 women blinded
Omega-3 supplements lack evidence that they are benficial for general public
Health Headlines Commentary for March 15, 2017 Source For most people, omega-3 fish oil supplements are a waste of money: study Reference: Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid (Fish Oil) Supplementation and the Prevention of Clinical Cardiovascular Disease: A Science Advisory From the American Heart Association
Wednesday House Call March 15, 2017
Wednesday House Call March 15, 2017 Dr Barry Dworkin joins Rob Snow to discuss the latest health stories of the week.
Hospital overcrowding is here to stay if government remains hooked on its own dogma
Health Headlines Commentary for March 14, 2017 Source: Ottawa’s hospital overcrowding no mere ‘blip,’ experts warn
Observational study cannot prove gluten-free diets increases risk type 2 diabetes
Health Headlines Commentary for March 13, 2017 Source: Your decision to go gluten-free is raising your risk of Type 2 diabetes, study warns Reference: Study not published at time of report