Sunday House Call, #614, May 21, 2017: Your TV disease of the week
Sunday House Call, #614, May 21, 2017 Topics today include: Direct to consumer advertising by pharmaceutical companies rife with bias and disease-mongering. Steroid injection of osteoarthritic knees no better than placebo. Your calls about cortisone injections, d-dimer tests for blood clots, sore knees, mould exposure, and lifespan of hip replacements.
3D-printed ovaries implanted in sterile mice and some gave birth
Health Headlines Commentary for May 19, 2017 Source: Mouse implanted with ovaries made by 3D printer gives birth, offering new hope for infertile women Reference: A bioprosthetic ovary created using 3D printed microporous scaffolds restores ovarian function in sterilized mice
Teen died from cardiac arrhythmia due to rapid consumption of various caffeinated drinks
Health Headlines Commentary for May 18, 2017 Source: A teen chugged a latte, a Mountain Dew and an energy drink. The caffeine binge led to his death.
Wednesday House Call May 17, 2017
Wednesday House Call May 17, 2017 Dr Barry Dworkin joins Rob Snow to discuss the latest health stories of the week.
Trump’s views on exercise and energy expenditure not grounded in science
Health Headlines Commentary for May 16, 2017 Source: Trump thinks that exercising too much uses up the body’s ‘finite’ energy
Poor study design cannot link negative consequences of ‘catch-up’ sleep
Health Headlines Commentary for May 15, 2017 Source: ‘Catch-up’ sleep spoils attention and creativity, study suggests Reference: Sleep in Studio Based Courses: Outcomes for Creativity Task Performance
Sunday House Call, #613, May 14, 2017: The anti-vaxer playbook and tactics
Sunday House Call, #613, May 14, 2017 Topics today include: Antivaxer tactics; posing as vaccination advocates as they stab you in the back. Post lung cancer surgery exhaustion, the necessity of pacemakers, HPV vaccine and parental responsibility, knee replacements, and psoriasis.
Let your expert sushi chef be your protector from parasites
Health Headlines Commentary for May 12, 2017 Source: Parasites could be lurking in your sushi, doctors warn Reference: Anisakiasis: a growing cause of abdominal pain!
Cotton tip applicators lead to injury and are not to be used to clean ear canals
Health Headlines Commentary for May 11, 2017 Source: Children need to stop putting cotton swabs in their ears: study Reference: Pediatric Cotton-Tip Applicator-Related Ear Injury Treated in United States Emergency Departments, 1990-2010