Wednesday House Call June 28, 2017
Wednesday House Call June 28, 2017 Dr Barry Dworkin joins Brian Lilley to discuss the latest health stories of the week. Today: Blood pressure questions, arm rash, the difference between a heart attack (Myocardial Infarction) and cardiac ischemia (reduced oxygen delivery), diets to treat cancer misunderstand the mechanism of the disease, excessive sweating, and a groth…
Self-reported asthma diagnoses confounds study’s ability to link it to risk of heart failure
Health Headlines Commentary for June 28, 2017 Source: Asthma history linked to risk factor for heart failure Reference: A History of Asthma From Childhood and Left Ventricular Mass in Asymptomatic Young Adults : The Bogalusa Heart Study
Canada’s natural health remedy/product certification lacks scientific validation
Health Headlines Commentary for June 27, 2017 Source: Medical journal takes aim at natural remedies Reference: Natural health products should be sold separately from drugs
Sunday House Call, #619, June 25, 2017: Cryosauna + celebrity endorsement + shameless promotion + pseudoscience = a Believer
Sunday House Call, #619, June 25, 2017: Cryosauna + celebrity endorsement + shameless promotion + pseudoscience = a Believer Topics today include: This CBC article is dissected to demonstrate the multitude of logical fallacies, the shameless promotion of pseudoscience by the purveyors of this junk science, and the lack of understanding of physiology when they to…
Wednesday House Call June 21, 2017
Wednesday House Call June 21, 2017 Dr Barry Dworkin joins Rob Snow to discuss the latest health stories of the week.
Drug companies volunteering some info on payments and gifts to docs need to go to full disclosure
Health Headlines Commentary for June 21, 2017 Source: Drug companies reveal info on gifts to doctors
Aging population, lifestyle choices, and increased lifespans influencing lifetime cancer risk
Health Headlines Commentary for June 19, 2017 Source: Nearly half of Canadians to develop cancer in their lifetimes: Cancer Society Reference: Canadian Cancer Statistics annual report for 2017
Ontario doctors reach binding arbitration deal with Ontario government
Health Headlines Commentary for June 19, 2017 Source: Ontario doctors ratify binding arbitration deal