Wednesday House Call, January 9, 2019
Wednesday House Call, January 9, 2019 Dr Barry Dworkin joins Rob Snow to discuss the latest health stories of the week. Today: How other countries fund their health care systems and some of the issues that influence hospital services and overcrowding.
Peak flu season has not yet arrived in Ottawa
Health Headlines Commentary for January 9, 2019 Source: At least two deaths reported, but Ottawa’s flu season less severe than some — so far
If you think you have a food allergy and have not been formally tested, this study, albeit observational, suggests you should do so.
Health Headlines Commentary for January 8, 2019 Source: Half of adults who think they have food allergies actually don’t: study Reference: Prevalence and Severity of Food Allergies Among US Adults
New Canada Food Guide to recommend more plant protein consumption.
Health Headlines Commentary for January 7, 2019 Source: New food guide to encourage Canadians to eat more plant-based protein
Wednesday House Call, January 2, 2019
Wednesday House Call, January 2, 2019 Dr Barry Dworkin joins Rob Snow to discuss the latest health stories of the week. Today: Your calls about dizziness in the morning, baker’s cysts, virus-related hearing problems, fallen bladders and menopause.
Sunday House Call, #679, December 30, 2018
Sunday House Call, #679, December 30, 2018 Topics today include: CT scan of painful shoulder Treatment of Polymyalgia rheumatica Use of Lyrica for neck pain Long-term narcotics use for chronic pain
Do not announce a cancer treatment “breakthrough” when you have not even done a human trial.
Health Headlines Commentary for December 28, 2018 Source: Cancer may no longer be deadly in future, say British researchers announcing breakthrough Reference:
With ever-present childhood infectious diseases comes great responsibility to act. Let’s not follow Europe’s example.
Health Headlines Commentary for December 27, 2018 Source: ‘They can’t do it themselves’: If parents refuse to vaccinate their kids, should the state do it for them?
Sunday House Call, #678, December 23, 2018: The Five PR words and tricks that are used to usurp the reality that these announcements are of no significant consequence to consumers
Sunday House Call, #678, December 23, 2018: The Five PR words and tricks that are used to usurp the reality that these announcements are of no significant consequence to consumers Topics today include: Health News Review has published a quick guide to the five quick PR tricks used to dupe you. Your calls about: The…