Smoking cessation requires a multi-pronged approach including the use of adequate nicotine replacement.
Health Headlines Commentary for April 22, 2019 Source: Trying to quit smoking? Use more nicotine, not less, says study Reference: Featured Review: Different doses, durations and modes of delivery of nicotine replacement therapy for smoking cessation
Sunday House Call, #692, April 21, 2019: “You want to play sound in where?”
Sunday House Call, #692, April 21, 2019: “You want to play sound in where?” Topics today include:More evidence that the severity of peanut allergic reactions in children can be mitigated with oral immunotherapy (OIT). A company claims that inserting a specially designed speaker in a pregnant woman’s vagina can help develop language and communication centres…
Study cannot show that children exposed to more than two hours of screen time are more likely to exhibit ADHD symptoms. This one had self-reporting bias and did not have the power to show causality.
Health Headlines Commentary for April 18, 2019 Source:Children who have more than two hours of screen time daily are more likely to display ADHD symptoms: study. Reference:Screen-time is associated with inattention problems in preschoolers: Results from the CHILD birth cohort study
Wednesday House Call, April 17, 2019: “Still waiting after all those years”
Wednesday House Call, April 17, 2019 Dr Barry Dworkin joins Rob Snow to discuss the latest health stories of the week. Today we discuss the hypocrisy of our “single-payer” universal health care system. Ontario’s Workplace Safety and Insurance Board routinely pays for its clients to have quick access for MRIs to speed up evaluation and…
Proof-of-concept succeeds in producing functional 3D-printed heart tissue and anatomical architecture but clinical application requires many trials in animal models before considering human ones.
Health Headlines Commentary for April 16, 2019 Source: Tiny heart 3-D-printed using patient’s own cells, paving way for ‘fully personalized’ transplants Reference: 3D Printing of Personalized Thick and Perfusable Cardiac Patches and Hearts
If truly happening, ‘measles parties’ designed to purposefully infect children with a potentially fatal disease is the epitome of ignorance and can be considered a form of child abuse.
Health Headlines Commentary for April 14, 2019 Source:‘Measles parties’ are a ‘terrible idea,’ experts warn
Sunday House Call, #691, April 14, 2019: Test your testing awareness by testing yourself about the necessity of tests.
Sunday House Call, #691, April 14, 2019: Test your testing awareness by testing yourself about the necessity of tests. Topics today include: A case of LESS is MORE; unnecessary lab tests CAN cause unneeded stress for patients. These apps will help you prevent overtesting and reduce harm.: Choosing Wisely Canada:WebAndroid AppiOS Electronic Preventive Services Selector…
Add hospital privacy curtains to the list of under-recognized sources of bacterial contamination
Health Headlines Commentary for April 12, 2019 Source: Hospital privacy curtains could be reservoir of deadly bacteria — study