Sunday House Call, #695, May 26, 2019: The cost of living
Sunday House Call, #695, May 26, 2019: The cost of living Topics today include: A new one-time dose drug to halt the progression of spinal muscular dystrophy in newborns costs $2.1M. Your calls about: When can you swim after a skin biopsy? What is a strangulated hernia? Prognosis after Sudden Cardiac Arterial Dissection (SCAD) The…
Cardiac arrest and heart attack symptoms in women are not immediately recognized as such compared to men and lead to poorer outcomes
Health Headlines Commentary for May 24, 2019 Source: Cardiac arrest more deadly for women than men, study finds Reference: Women have lower chances than men to be resuscitated and survive out-of-hospital cardiac arrest
Ottawa Public Health confirms new case of measles at private school
Health Headlines Commentary for May 23, 2019 Source: Ottawa Public Health says children at private school may have been exposed to new case of measles
Wednesday House Call, May 22, 2019: The seven words that you should not be used in a medical news report
Wednesday House Call, May 22 , 2019: The seven words that you should not be used in a medical news report Today Rob and I discuss the seven words that should raise your skepticism meter when they appear in a medical news story. Your calls about: Cardiomyopathy after a viral infection Management options for prostate…
Blocking blue light from screens before bedtime and its effect on teens sleep patterns presented in this study however it only evaluated 25 people and has not been published.
Health Headlines Commentary for May 22, 2019 Source: Study of teenagers finds blocking out blue light from screens can improve health and wellbeing
You’ll feel the burn if you make your own sunscreen.
Health Headlines Commentary for May 21, 2019 Source: Researchers warn of the dangers of homemade sunscreen
Sunday House Call, #694, May 19, 2019: The Supplement Society. How we have fallen for marketing as gospel.
Sunday House Call, #694, May 19, 2019 Disease prevention should not rely on the $40B supplement industry. Simple evidence-based approaches are not sexy, require you to eat real food and to be physically active any way you can. Unless you truly have a clinical deficiency, there is no need for vitamins, supplements or protein powders.…
Court rules Ontario physicians must provide patient referrals for medical services despite their personal, moral, or religious beliefs
Health Headlines Commentary for May 16, 2019 Source: Ontario’s highest court rules doctors must give referrals for services they oppose