Wednesday House Call, June 19, 2019: Vaping device manufacturers are marketing their wares to adults yet also entices adolescent use. Stop producing flavoured nicotine vaping cartridges.

Wednesday House Call, June 19, 2019

Dr Barry Dworkin joins Rob Snow to discuss the issue of increasing vaping use rates among teens and Hepatitis cases in a local school.

Vaping device manufacturers are marketing their wares to adults yet also entices adolescent use. Stop producing flavoured nicotine vaping cartridges. There is no medical reason to have flavours. The initial purpose for vaping is to reduce harm for cigarette smokers. It is not to produce flavourful and addictive nicotine products that attracts otherwise non-smokers who have the misconception that vaping is harmless.

Your calls about:

  • Dry cracked corners of the mouth
  • Tarlov cysts on spinal MRI. A case of an incidentaloma
  • Breast cancer risk for a 56 year-old woman who has not yet entered menopause
  • Treatment for varicose veins
  • Proper sunscreen use
