Sunday House Call, #752, August 16, 2020: Your School #Covid-19 Risk Checklist Comparator.

Sunday House Call, #752, August 16, 2020: Your Preschool Covid Check List.

Parents face a difficult choice whether to send their children to school when they do not have sufficient information to use as a comparator. Further, the assumption that children do not become as ill or are less likely to play a role in transmission is being challenged.

Denmark succeed but they only initially opened schools from K-5, classes were 10-12 children and they stayed with one teacher among the many other policies put into place.

The CDC has prepared a checklist of what is required to mitigate risk in schools. Is your school board prepared. Now you have the means to determine if the guidelines are being followed to your satififaction.

Considerations for Schools: Operating Schools During COVID-19
COVID-19 guidance for schools Kindergarten to Grade 12

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  • Topical CBD oil for sore joints. What is the evidence?
  • Eustachian Tube Dysfunction
  • Ear wax problems and the use of emulsifying agents
  • Woman with frequent urination may have overactive bladder, spastic bladder or infection. What is the approach to diagnosis and management?
