Sunday House Call, #710, September 22, 2019: Beating viruses and parasites back

Sunday House Call, #710, September 22, 2019: Beating viruses and parasites back

Topics today include:
Researchers have uncovered a potential reason why people gain weight as they age.

The University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine report on positive progress in the development of a Herpes Simplex (Genital Herpes) vaccine. Animal models were successful. Now we need to see if this applies to people.

Kenya becomes the third African nation to administer doses of a new malaria vaccine to 360,000 children that will save many lives.

Your calls about:

  • Shingles vaccination
  • Drug shortages in Canada
  • Causes and prevention of falls in the elderly
  • A woman with a five-day history of flu symptoms is deteriorating. Followup to rule out secondary pneumonia/infection is required.
  • Causes and treatment of Impetigo
